Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Meeting(s)

So I had a lunch date with my first prospective SD and a coffee date with the next prospective SD as well... I let both of the the men pick the first meeting place; and the first one's "restaurant" choice was extremely unimpressive... Arby's.... you know, the fast-food chain. Yes that Arby's. Now I know that fast food is well loved by the rich and poor alike; but seriously, if you are wanting to hook up with some chick (even if it is a SD/SB type relationship) you don't make your first meeting at a fast-food joint - it just screams "creepy loser" - and honestly, if you are going to meet a potential Sugar-Baby for the first time, wouldn't you want to show her a good time and what she will be getting from you in the future?

The SD/SB relationship is oftentimes considered to be a "mutually benefitial" situation, part of that is that is that the SD treats the SB to something she would not neccisarily be able to treat herself to on her own... but fast food (even my broke ass can get that!)???

Prospect #1 ("creepy-farm-guy"):

So I put up with it anyways and actually show up but I am already unimpressed before I even walk in the door. When I see him he is also an unkept eyesore ( and I even set that first impression aside as well). He buys me a roast beef sandwich with au jus and a Pepsi, and we sit down and talk for about an hour or so. In our conversation, he tells me he has a no-creulty farm and gives details on how he slaughters the animals by suprise, how he keeps all kinds of different animals in the same pasture (which even I know is unsafe for said animals and will stress them out), and various other (creepy and inappropriate) things. To me it all ready as creepy and fake, but I keep up my bearing and sit it through. He gets to discussing the potential arrangement for a minute and asks if I am interested in other women (after living in the same room as 70 other women - not so much...) and then says he'll double my income (which would mean appx $300 a week) for multiple meetings (call girls make more money in a single date!) like that will make it worth it all. Except I am reading him as a major fake at this time and merely enduring the experience.

So finally it is over and we go out to our separate cars or so I think - instead he follows me to mine, (creepy) and I take my dog out of his kennel in the back seat (as my dog prefers to travel everywhere with me. He is very bonded to me and would rather be kenneled in my car than be left at home under any circumstances). Anyways, Puppy's got the "pick-me-ups" really bad so I pick him up. Immediately, Puppy starts to put his face in between creepy guy and me... RED FLAG!!! (On a side note - Puppy has also been known for biting creepy guys in the previous homes he lived in before I got him from a rescue organization) That did not deter creepy-suprise-slaghter-farm-guy who demanded I kiss him (deeply) in a fast food restaurant parking lot on a busy road (that people I know drive on regularly). I state I am uncomfortable and he goes for it anyways (until I manage to pull away), and says he looks forward to seeing me Friday in Seattle... Yeah, right (I think not).

Prospect #2 ("T"):

So later on it is time to Head to the coffee shop to meet Prospect #2 (We will call him "T"). This meeting was at Starbucks, which I consider a pretty universal meeting place that in my opinion set off no red flags. I have also held some nice long conversations with this man in email as well as over the phone, and we have already found that our personalities mesh really well - numerous mutual interests and simular goals out of the SD/SB arrangement. I have also seem pictures of this man and he is not unattractive which is a nice thing to factor in as I do not have to feel self consious going out in public with this man.

So I make it to Starbucks on time, and he was interested in trying my favorite Starbucks creation (A Mocha Frappuccino with mint flavoring and no whip cream), so he had me order 2 of them. He was very kind and well mannered. Obviously looking to impress me as well which felt good. He seems to understand the concept of 'mutually benefitial' which is comforting.

We ended up chatting it up for 2 and a half hours about our lives, our friends, our families, our experiences through life, and everything else under the sun... We have a number of hobbies that intersect which excited him to no end because he was able to actually relate to me on an amiable level. We talked about what we would both like from the arrangement and we also were on the same page in wanting a genuine friendship and companionship in the mix as well. So it is all looking quite well for our situation and I even agreed to meet with him again tomorrow (advising him that I have a prior engagement at 7pm). When we decided to leave he offered to walk with me while I let my dog out of the car for a few minutes.

When Puppy met him he didn't see to go into protection mode so much, and when I mentioned that I am shy about PDA in public he was understanding and kept it to a minimum (which I appreciated and respect).

After I got home he sent me a text message and an email stating that he does want to take care of me. which is encouraging because I have had less chemistry within actual relationships... So we will see where this ges but i am keeping my options somewhat open for a little bit longer... until I know that this is actually going to work out.

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